Getting A Good Night's Sleep After A Stressful Day

Svasthyam Webinar series brings to you diverse topics relating to wellness and healthy living in the form of easy-to-implement tips and practices drawn from Yoga and Ayurveda. The format of the webinar enables you to first experience the practice for yourself and then engage in an interactive session with the qualified yoga therapists and wellness experts who anchor the session each time.

The first of the Svasthyam Webinar series was launched on Feb 26, 2022. We received a heart warming response with about 75 registrations for the webinar and 35 joining in for the live session. During the webinar, we shared Yogic and Ayurvedic practices relating to preparing the body, breath and mind for a good night's sleep. 

Majority of the participants shared at start of the webinar how the quality of their sleep is a challenge in today's context.

Some of the check-in statements of how each of us felt at beginning of the session also reflected the kind of exhaustion and tiredness most people experience towards the end of a long day.

Check-in at start of webinar.

As the session began with a simple asana-pranayama practice, there was an immediate shift in the experience of participants which reflected in the subsequent check-in statement.

Check-in after asana-pranayama practice.

We also had a short reflective inner work session towards the end of webinar. The closing check-in statements from the participants showed how even a short practice that combines body, breath, and mind can significantly shift the sense of well-being for the individual.

Final Reflections At End of Webinar

You can watch the full webinar below. To register your interest for upcoming Svasthyam programs, visit the below links:

1. Svasthyam for Executives

2. Svasthyam for Women

If you have any suggestions for the topic you would like us to cover for upcoming webinars, feel free to mention it in comments or email us at

Categories: Wellbeing, Yoga